Is your Registered Student Organization (RSO) looking to connect with incoming and returning students?
Recruitment season is right around the corner! Learn about the opportunities available to RSOs to move in early, have a hand in Week of Welcome, and join in the tradition of Organization Fairs.
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Summer Organizations Fair
AUDIENCE: All Students
FORMAT: In-Person
WHEN: July 10th
OVERVIEW: During the summer, the fair provides new and returning Yellow Jackets an opportunity to connect with a smaller portion of our 600+ Registered Student Organizations (around 100+)!
Fall Organizations Fair
AUDIENCE: All Students
FORMAT: In-Person
WHEN: August 27th & August 28th
LOCATION: Around Tech Green
OVERVIEW: Each semester, the Center for Student Engagement hosts the Fall Organizations Fair which provides students opportunities to connect with our 600+ RSOs. Registration opens 5/9 @ noon.
CPC Formal Recruitment
AUDIENCE: All Registered Students
FORMAT: In-Person
WHEN: August 14th - August 19th
LOCATION: On-campus
OVERVIEW: 2024 Formal Recruitment registration for the Collegiate Panhellenic Council is now open. We encourage you to check out the websites and instagrams of each of our 8 NPC Chapters.
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Get Ready for the Yellow Jacket MegaMixer!
Come see what all the buzz🐝 is about at the Yellow Jacket MegaMixer on August 12th (6-8pm) at Roe Stamps Intramural Fields at the CRC! Yellow Jacket MegaMixer a high-spirited, high-energy event that allows new Georgia Tech Jackets to engage with each other, laugh with each other, and feel a part of an exciting new campus community. Meet new friends and engage with student leaders in this one-of-a-kind opportunity.
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