The News tool allows you to keep your members up-to-date on all of your latest news. With a format similar to a blog, Engage members can view a quick summary of the most recent news or drill down to view the full contents of each post. To view News in your organization, navigate to your organization's public page and scroll until you see News posts listed.

To create a News Article, navigate to the Action Center for the org by clicking "Manage Organization" in the top right-hand corner of the organization page.
Open up the organization tool drawer (pancake icon) and click "News." Click the blue +Create Article button to get started. The first questions on the page will ask for a title, summary, and content of the article. You can also select a headline image (see this article for best image dimensions). This image will appear in the news ticker next to your summary, as well as at the top of your article. Upload the image by clicking Choose File and then select the image you wish to include. Do not forget to also include an image caption.

After the header is the visibility settings. This allows you to determine who can see your news post. You have a few options as far as this goes:
- Public
- Institution (requires authentication)
- Organization (only people on the organization roster)
- Private (prompts you to choose specific positions in the organization who should be able to access the article)
Finally, select whether you would like to notify members of your organization that this news article has been shared. When you notify members, an email will be sent including the title, summary of the article, and a link to view the full post.
When you're finished, hit Save at the bottom to create your post. Your article will automatically post to your organization’s wall and community-wide news listing, subject to the privacy settings you selected.