Submitted by ymrv3 on

2025 Annual Registration Dates


March 1, 2025April 1, 2025April 10, 2025
AR opens @ 8:00 a.m.Annual Registration is due @ 11:59 p.m.Suspension notices will be sent out at 10:00 a.m.

Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) are expected to complete annual registration by the established deadline provided by the Center for Student Engagement.  Failure to complete the annual registration will result in RSO suspension.

Why do organizations have to complete the Annual Registration?  

In order to maintain an active organization, all student organizations must participate in the annual registration process. This registration occurs each Spring semester between January and two weeks before finals. The process is administered through Engage @ GT platform. 

Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) receive benefits in order to assist in supporting and maintaining organizations and members. More information and guidelines on specific benefits can be found on the Registered Student Organizations Policy page. Benefits of being a registered student organization include the following: 

  • Listed on Engage @ GT  
  • Reserve on-campus meeting rooms and event space 
  • Opportunity to have an on-campus banking account
  • Ability to apply for on-campus funding sources (SGA, Parents Fund, BuzzFunds, etc.)
  • Promote or advertise the organization on campus 
What are the steps to complete the Annual Registration?

The Annual Registration is a multi-step process that is intended to be completed over time. We recommend that you complete the Annual Registration process in the order of the steps listed below: 

  1. The Incoming Senior Executive Officer and Incoming Finance Officer must watch the Officer Onboarding Webinar and submit the training quiz (Note: Outgoing officers cannot complete this requirement). For additional details visit the Officer Onboarding Training page.
  2. Your Faculty/Staff Advisor submits the required Advisor Form. Visit the Advisor Requirements page for additional details.
  3. The President submits the Annual Registration Form found in your Engage portal.
Check your progress on the Annual Registration Tracking Sheet.