Step 1: Add Room Reservation Access
The first step to booking space on campus is ensuring that you or other qualified organization members have been granted the appropriate access. Registered Student Organizations use Engage's Roster Tool to manage Room Reservation Access.
Only an existing officer with permission to manage the Roster will be able to grant Room Reservation Access to another organization member.
The permission to manage the Roster varies by the organization; at a minimum, all Senior Officers/Presidents, Junior Officers/Vice Presidents, and Advisors can manage the Roster.
Please note: holding an Officer position DOES NOT automatically grant Room Reservation Access. Each officer who should be granted EMS privileges must also be assigned Room Reservation Access on the Engage Roster.
To edit who holds various Positions within your organization (including Room Reservation Access), use the Switchboard to enter the "Manage" view and select your organization. Once you are in the Organization Action Center, open the hamburger menu on the upper left and navigate to the Roster section.
On the Roster page, find the user for whom you would like to add, change, or remove Room Reservation Access. Click the edit button under Positions to the far right of that user's name. A list of all available Positions will populate. Click the checkbox next to the position you would like to add or remove from that user, and then select Save. The user's permissions within the organization will be updated based on the Positions they hold.
Step 2: Wait 24 Hours
Once the position is assigned, it can take up to 48 hours for Engage to communicate with the campus Event Management System. If after 24 hours permissions in EMS are still not appearing, please contact the Student Engagement team for support.
Step 3: Reserving Space
After 24 hours, visit the Student and Campus Event Centers website to reserve space on campus. All questions about specific classrooms or event spaces should be directed to them or to the individual building managers.