Each student organization is required to have a faculty/staff advisor and register with the Center for Student Engagement. An advisor is expected to be actively involved in the affairs of the student organization(s) they advise. The student organization advisor is a resource for the organization and can offer support and guidance in several broad areas.
Before accepting the position, there are a few items to consider:
- Registered Student Organizations (RSO) must have Faculty/Staff Advisors. Faculty/Staff Advisors are full-time, salaried employees of either Georgia Tech or GT Alumni Association.
- It’s possible for a student organization to have more than one Advisor (example: a community member may serve as a secondary Advisor if the primary Advisor is an approved Georgia Tech faculty or staff).
- The Advisor role has no term limit, but all must confirm their role during the annual registration process. Student Engagement in the Division of Student Life verifies eligibility for advisors.
- Advisors may not sign contracts or agreements on behalf of the University for their student organizations.
- Advisors do not have voting rights in the student organization.
- Advisors may be removed from their role by the internal processes established in the constitution or other governing documents of the specific student organization.
- Faculty and staff may be Faculty/Staff Advisor for more than one organization; however, they should consider their own balance by taking on these additional responsibilities and whether this will impact their ability to provide good advising to their organizations.
Developmental Approach to Advising
- is concerned about student potential and growth.
- requires establishing caring relationships with students.
- encourages students to take responsibility for their actions.
- provides opportunities for students to explore their ideas.
- encourages values of volunteerism, civic engagement, and social responsibility.
- builds connections between academic and student affairs to assist students in achieving goals.
- engages the advisor and the student with both making equal contributions to the relationship.
Adapted from the Academic Advising for Student Success and Retention, Hovland, Anderson & Associates, 1997.