Organizations must re-register with the Center for Student Engagement every Spring. Your organization will be marked inactive if it is unable to successfully re-register by the deadline. To view a detailed outline of the entire Annual Registration process, please visit our Annual Registration webpage.
What is required of the Advisor?
The Advisor is required to complete the Advisor Registration form. To access the form, you will first log in to using your GT credentials. After logging in (and in the same browser window), copy and paste this direct link:

Important Notes for the Advisor Registration form:
- To ensure we receive your verified signature on this form, you must be logged in to your personal account in Engage when completing this form. We cannot accept forms on your behalf which are submitted from other accounts (e.g., from the RSO President’s account).
- The questions detailed on the Advisor form are designed to ensure that all RSOs are in compliance with Institute policy. We thank you for your patience and time in completing this form.
- If you advise more than one Registered Student Organization, you need only complete the Advisor Registration form only once. Please list the full name of each RSO you advise in the Advisor Registration form.
Do I have to fill out an Advisor Registration form for each RSO I advise?
No! You can fill out the form one time and list every RSO you advise in your single submission. We’ve made this change to make the Advisor process easier for you.
What are the eligibility requirements to be an advisor?
All RSO advisors must be full-time, exempt (not eligible for overtime) employees of either Georgia Tech or the Georgia Tech Alumni Association. If you’re unsure if you meet this eligibility, email the RSO team.