Submitted by ymrv3 on



Identify which programs should be included on the GOLD Route    

  • Which existing programs and workshops can be incorporated into the GOLD Route?      
  • Which pillar (or pillars) does each workshop/program belong to? Review each pillar’s learning outcomes for insight.
  • Does your office provide Extended Leadership Experiences? If yes, what are they? Please visit our ELE webpage to learn more about its requirements.
Create Events

Create events in Engage for when those programs/workshops will occur.

You can create your own event in Engage OR request that the CSE  CSE will build the event on your behalf in your department's portal. Don't have a portal in Engage? Don't worry! We will build your event in our central "Campus Partners News & Events Portal."

If you build your own event, be sure to let CSE know so we can tag the event in Engage to receive GOLD Route credits!


Each event on the GOLD Route is automatically promoted to the Weekly Digest and the Campus Calendar; additionally, CSE will request (but cannot guarantee) inclusion on the Daily Digest calendar pane. 

In addition to these automated promotions, we encourage you to seek additional promotional opportunities across campus!


Promote the GOLD Route

During the event/workshop, include a note about how the workshop is part of the GOLD Route and where folks can learn more/sign up. They’ll get credit for attending the event you’ve put on! CSE will provide you with stickers, handbills, and more information to distribute at your workshops and events.         

Be sure to track attendance

There are numerous ways to check students into an Engage event! Regardless of the method you choose, remember that attendance tracking is crucial and mandatory to ensure that students receive proper credit for curricular items they complete.


Universal Assessment Questions

Each program and event on the GOLD Route will include 3 universal assessment questions. These assessment questions are built into your Engage event and auto-emailed (following the event) to each participant who is checked in. 

Additional Assessment Questions (Optional)

In addition to the Universal Assessment questions, your Engage event can include any additional program/learning assessment questions your department would like. To include additional questions, upload them to the GOLD Route Program Submission Form

Ready to submit your department's GOLD Route program? Email to get started.

Universal Assessment Questions

Question 1                                           

As a result of attending this program, I am better equipped to serve in a leadership position on campus.
Strongly Agree | Agree | Disagree | Strongly Disagree

Question 2

As a result of attending this training, I have improved or grown my knowledge or skill related to the topic of the workshop.   
Strongly Agree | Agree | Disagree | Strongly Disagree

Question 3

I would recommend this program for future GOLD Route participants.
Strongly Agree | Agree | Disagree | Strongly Disagree