There's no doubt that Georgia Tech historically and currently provides diverse and world-class experiences for our students.
Bringing together the numerous existing opportunities available for student development, the GOLD (Guiding Organizational Leader Development) Route program provides current and aspiring student leaders the opportunity to steadily increase their competencies. Centering the competencies that make student leaders more successful at Georgia Tech, the GOLD Route centers three general learning areas to answer the question “What do I need to know?” and then tracks the student experience.
The Center for Student Engagement staff are educators committed to holistic, co-curricular learning and building supportive advising relationships with student leaders and student organizations. By working with faculty, staff, and departments across campus the GOLD Route program was developed.
The learning areas, also called Pillars are:
Program Design
The program is designed to methodically guide student leaders to important learning opportunities and to celebrate their development. Many of the workshops, experiences, and events in this multi-competency learning path are already being provided to students at Georgia Tech. The GOLD Route program has brought the opportunities together into a logical and manageable curriculum which centralizes opportunities and drives the engagement of student leaders. With support and input from student leaders, staff from the Center for Student Engagement have been able to identify gaps that may be present in the opportunities available for students to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive as leaders. Workshops and experiences continue to be developed to take advantage of these opportunities.
Students will track their experiences in Engage in three ways: event/workshop attendance, self-reported experiences, and group membership. Campus departments who are collaborators with the GOLD Route program agree to track attendance and assess event/workshop participation in a consistent way to provide coherent tracking for student leaders, stronger outcomes assessment data, and opportunities for student recognition.
The program strives for skill and knowledge development in three areas. These areas are not intended to include a list of comprehensive requirements, but rather a set of options for student to guide their learning as leaders outside of their rigorous academic schedule.
Partners and Program Elements
As educators, we also know that our colleagues provide expertise to our students and, as with Georgia Tech’s faculty, with their expertise come together to create a well-rounded and vibrant campus experience.
Getting Started as a Department
Ready to get your department's programs and engagement opportunities on the GOLD Route? Visit our Adding a Department Program to the GOLD Route webpage for more information.